

題名:On the Excessive Construction in Mandarin Chinese
書刊名:Concentric: Studies in Linguistics
作者(外文):Yeh, Jui-chuan
主題關鍵詞:V他個N過量結構構式語法非指稱性的他V ta ge NThe excessive constructionConstruction grammarNon-referential taGe
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本文以構式語法的架構來探討漢語中的過量結構「V 他個N」。鑒
This paper explores the excessive construction, formally represented as “V ta ge
N”, in Mandarin Chinese in terms of construction grammar. In view of its syntactic and
semantic peculiarities, the excessive construction cannot be identified with any of the
established constructions in the grammar. Rather, it is argued to represent a new type.
Syntactically, the excessive construction demands a non-referential ta followed by an
indefinite NP consisting of a numeral-classifier(-noun) sequence or by an adjectival
complement. Semantically, the excessive construction allows only a volitional agent
and denotes a telic situation. The constructional meaning of the excessive construction
is postulated as ‘above an implicit norm’, instead of the generally recognized ‘to one’s
satisfaction’. This connotation is assumed to derive from ta, whose original meaning
constrains later semantic developments of the construction. The constructional analysis
proposed in the paper allows language users to apply the familiar pattern to new
contexts in principled ways, providing a motivated account of use with novel verbs.
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