

作者:鄭仁偉 引用關係陳家聲 引用關係盧國銘周志偉
作者(外文):Cheng, Jen-WeiChen, Chia-ShenLu, Kuo-MingChou, Chih-Wei
主題關鍵詞:高階主管管理自主裁量權組織調適組織生態理論Top executiveManagerial discretionOrganization adaptationPopulation ecology theory
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  Top executive management activities and operation performance had enormous influence on the degree of managerial discretion in business circumstances. A few researchs aimed to managerial discretion in academic and were not discussed it's cause and effect. Consequently, the purpose of the study was to explore the factors of top executive discretion of management, relied on reconciliation the perspective that organization adaptation and population ecology theory, proposed the managerial model of managerial discretion. The result induced the inflence factors comprise industrial environment, organizational aspect, and top manager individual characteristic, besides this article also discussed the outcome which based on the degree of managerial discretion, and provided some reference in academic and practice.
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