

作者:黃有傑 引用關係張桂嘉羅紹麟
作者(外文):Huang, You-jeiChang, Kuei-chiaLo, Shaw-lin
主題關鍵詞:服務時間整調限制管理模糊德爾菲法Service time adjustmentLimiting managementFuzzy delphi method
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雪霸國家公園雪山登山口以24小時開放遊客入園,雖方便登山遊客之行動,卻同時造成部份管理及遊客安全維護上的問題。本研究利用專家深度訪談及模糊德爾菲法,針對限制管理與申請入園程序及方法之相關議題,獲取專家學者的意見,並藉以建立時間調整考量因素及問項、申請入園程序與方法,進而建立遊客問卷之內容,探尋登山遊客之意見,提供管理單位參考。 遊客問卷經分析結果,半數以上遊客同意時間調整的管理,並認為時間調整除可對「生態保育」、「遊憩承載量」、「登山安全」及「經營管理」上有正面助益外,亦不會對「遊憩體驗」造成負面影響。在申請程序及方法上,登山遊客較注重作業流程的透明化及候補機制的建立,並認為床位安排及申請日期的調整應可再做改善;較不認同的意見則是規定專業嚮導員隨行與抽籤決定申請的方式。 整體建議未來國家公園管理處可於周一至周四非假日期間,進行入園開放時間管制,時間以上午8時至下午5時止,周五後之假日期間,仍維持現階段24小時開放;至於申請入園的方式上,可逐步導向網路化並以繳交保證金的方式進行申請確認。
The Mt. Shei pass of the Shei-Pa National Park opens 24hours for tourists at present. Although this policy is convenient to tourists, it causes some problems of management and tourists’ safety hazards at the same time. This research wants to find out the opinions of the tourists and specialists to provide the authority, as the references about limiting management, and procedures of entrance application. The result effective questionnaires showed that more than half tourists agree to service time adjustment, and they agree it is not only positive affections of ecological protection, recreation carry capacities, safety, and management, but make no negative affection of recreation experience. Moreover, tourists pay more attention to the fair of process and candidacy in procedures of entrance application, and agreed that” bed number arrangement and date of application”, while disagree “the guide go with them” and “application by cast lots. The integrated suggestion to be that service time adjustment limits from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. every Monday to Thursday, open 24 hours on Friday and holidays. About the application for entering the national park, it can be operated via internet and paid deposit to confirm.
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