

作者:楊大輝 引用關係李綺容
作者(外文):Yang, Ta-huiLee, Chi-jung
主題關鍵詞:軸輻式網路隨機規劃需求不確定完全資訊價值隨機解價值Hub-and-spoke networkStochastic programmingDemand uncertaintyExpected value of perfect informationEVPIValue of the stochastic solutionVSS
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2.傅曾志(2003)。隨機性需求下飛航排程模式與評估方法之研究,0。  延伸查詢new window
3.李綺容(2004)。航空貨運網路於需求不確定下之規劃,0。  延伸查詢new window
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