

題名:U.S. Strategies in Maintaining Peace across the Taiwan Strait
書刊名:Issues & Studies
作者(外文):Lin, Gang
主題關鍵詞:Strategic ambiguityStrategic clarityChina's unificationTaiwanese independenceTaiwan's security
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The U.S. strategy of “creative ambiguity” regarding the American response to potential military conflict between the PRC and Taiwan has helped to maintain peace across the Taiwan Strait for many years. This strategy is associated with Washington’s traditional policy of “dual deterrence and dual reassurance,” designed to prevent any unilateral change in the status quo that might be initiated by Taipei’s movement toward de jure independence or a military attack on the island by Beijing. Taiwan’s progress toward political democratization since the mid-1980s, however, has created a Taiwanese identity on the island and increased the likelihood of a war between the PRC and Taiwan. As political tension across the Taiwan Strait has heightened in recent years, calls are growing in U.S. academic and policy circles for a subtle shift from strategic ambiguity toward strategic “double clarity,” a feature of which would be a conditional commitment to Taiwan’s security. However, this policy option has not yet been accepted by policymakers in the United States.
1.Lawrence, Susan(20031113)。United States and Taiwan: Diplomatic But Triumphal Progress。Far Eastern Economic Review。  new window
2.Christensen, Thomas J.(2002)。The Contemporary Security Dilemma: Deterring a Taiwan Conflict。The Washington Quarterly,25(4),7-21。  new window
3.Rice, Condoleezza(2000)。Campaign 2000: Promoting the National Interest。Foreign Affairs,79(1),45-62。  new window
4.Lieberthal, Kenneth G.(2005)。Preventing a War over Taiwan。Foreign Affairs,84(2),53-63。  new window
5.Tucker, Nancy Bemkopf(2002)。If Taiwan Chooses Unification, Should the United States Care?。Washington Quarterly,25(3),15-28。  new window
1.Romberg, Alan D.(2003)。Rein in at the Brink of the Precipice: American Policy toward Taiwan and U.S.-PRC Relations。Washington, DC:Henry L. Stimson Center。  new window
2.Lin, Gang(2000)。U.S.-China Relations since the End of the Cold War。Washington, D.C:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars。  new window
3.Lu, Keng(1985)。An Interview with Hu Yaobang。New York:Sino Daily Express。  new window
4.Rigger, Shelley(2003)。The Evolution of a Taiwanese National Identity。Washington, D.C:Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars。  new window
5.Bush, Richard C.(2005)。Untying the Knot: Making Peace in the Taiwan Strait。Washington, DC:Brookings Institution Press。  new window
6.Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf(2005)。Dangerous Strait: The U.S.-Taiwan-China Crisis。New York, NY:Columbia University Press。  new window
1.Chen, Edwin(20031210)。Talks Yield a U.S. Warning to Taiwan and Pledge by China to Ease Trade Gap。  new window
2.Knowlton, Brian(20010425)。Analysts See Comments as a Toughening of American Position。  new window
3.Snyder, Charles(20070426)。U.S. CongressmanWarns Taipei Not to 'Play TRA'。  new window
4.Yuen, Anthony(20041025)。Interview with Secretary of State Colin L. Powell,http://usinfo.state.gov/p/eap/Archive/2004/Oct/-277540.htm.。  new window
5.Zoellick, Robert B.(20060510)。China's Resurgence,http://www.fnsg.com/transcript.html.。  new window
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