

作者:蘇偉業 引用關係林雪湘
作者(外文):So, Bennis Wai YipLin, Hsueh-hsiang
主題關鍵詞:人力派遣約聘僱人員政府人力資源人力彈性化高雄市政府Dispatched workforceGovernment contract staffGovernment human resourcesFlexibilizationKaohsiung city government
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本研究以成本面、績效面、行政管理面及法制面,並透過高雄市政府作爲經驗個案,分析人力派遣制度常規地應用在政府機關之可行性,並藉此分析其能否替代政府機關內現有之約聘僱人力。研究結果顯示運用人力派遣制度於政府機關在四個面向均基本可行,甚至比約聘僱制度優越,可替代約聘僱人員處理非核心工作與專案性的短期工作。但在法制面與行政管理面上,政府使用派遣制度或可能出現技術性問題。故本研究建議應另行立法及請中央政府人事單位制定條例規範政府部門之人力派遣管理,以免因採用新制度而帶來新問題。 爲防止人爲弊端及慎重起見,本研究亦建議:1)政府應建立一套專屬及透明化的政府機關甄選派遣公司之制度;2)政府可透過約聘僱與派遣人力制度並立之試驗,比較評估兩者之優缺點,再行定奪是否以派遣制度取代約聘僱制度。
This is to study the feasibility of standing application of dispatched workforce to the government agencies in Taiwan, replacing the current contract staff system. It is tested in terms of four dimensions: cost, performance, administrative and legal, and it is further tested by a case, Kaohsiung city government. The findings show that the application of dispatched workforce to the government agencies is basically feasible in the four dimensions and superior to the current contract staff system in a certain degree. It is feasible to take over the tasks of contract staff who are engaged in non-core and professional affairs in the government. However, there are some technical problems in legal and administrative dimensions in the application. Hence, it is suggested that a specific legislation and more administrative codes to be issued would be desirable to regulate the application in order to avoid problems caused by the new system. To crack down corrupt practices and to further test the new system, it is suggested: 1) the government should set up a specific and transparent selection system of dispatched work agency; 2) the government should test the dispatched workforce by juxtaposing it with the current contract staff system before it is decided whether the latter should be replaced.
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