

作者:張火燦 引用關係李安悌 引用關係劉淑寧
作者(外文):Chang, Huo-tasnLee, AndreaLiou, Shu-ning
主題關鍵詞:團隊認定領導型態自我管理行為階層迴歸分析區段迴歸分析Team identityLeadershipSelf-management behaviorHierarchical regression analysisBlock regression analysis
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The objective of this research was to explore the relationship among team identity, team leadership, and team innovative behavior. This study, based on the questionnaire survey from the industrial field, used hierarchical multiple regression analysis to examine team leadership as a moderator variable between team identity and team self-managing behavior and team self-managing behavior as a mediating variable. This study results indicated that (1) team self-managing behavior mediated the relationship between team identity and team innovative behavior (2) team identity and team leadership had direct effects on team self-managing behavior, and (3) team leadership moderated the relationship between team identity and team self-managing behavior. This research result indicated the importance of the roles of team identity and team self-managing behavior in the team innovative behavior.
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