

作者:Palmer, Richard E.陳文祥 引用關係林約光 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Wen HsiangLin, Yueh
主題關鍵詞:詮釋學夢境詮釋詮釋的四層次聖經詮釋去神話化HermeneuticsDream interpretationFour levels of interpretationBiblical interpretationDemythologizing
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本文為帕瑪(Richard E. Palmer)2004年來台,於輔仁大學羅光講座系列演講的第二篇,題名為不同流俗的西方詮釋學史。意味這樣全面性統攝的詮釋學史,有別於當代一般針對個別領域的詮釋學研究。本文從古埃及、希臘羅馬神話、聖經詮釋、新教發展、解放神學,直至當代拉丁美洲的解放神學等,各式重要的詮釋形式皆有精闢的闡釋。娓娓道來,不僅對詮釋學的歷史脈絡具有梳理與澄清的效果,更對如何理解與統整詮釋學本身的意涵,產生劃龍點睛般的啟發作用。
This article is the second lecture made by Richard Palmer in Taiwan in 2004, entitled as ”An Unconventional History of Hermeneutics in the West,” indicating that such a general history of hermeneutics is different from the various hermeneutic studies on individual fields. This paper makes outstanding explications on those important hermeneutic forms of ancient Egypt mythology, Greek and Roman mythology, Biblical interpretation, the development of the Protestant, liberation theology and even the contemporary liberation theology of Latin America, not only sorting out and clarifying the historical contexts of hermeneutics but also inspiring us on how to understand and unify the meanings of hermeneutics itself.
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1.Grant, Robert M.、Tracy, David(1984)。A Brief History of the Interpretation of the Bible。Fortress Press。  new window
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4.Enelow, H. G.(1933)。The Mishnah of Rabbi Eliezer, or The Midrash of Thirty-Two Hermeneutic Rules。New York:The Bloch Publishing Company。  new window
5.Hayes, John H.(1999)。Dictionary of Biblical Interpretation。Nashville, TN:Abingdon Press。  new window
6.J, Samuel Pneus(2001)。Spinoza and the Irrelevance of Biblical Authority。MA:Cambridge University Press。  new window
7.Bowden, John(1998)。Der historische Jesus: Ein Lehrbuch。Minneapolis:Fortress Press。  new window
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9.Grant, Robert M.、Tracy, David(1984)。A Short History of the Interpretation of the Bible。London:Philadelphia:SCM Press:Fortress。  new window
10.Lopez, Donald S. Jr.(1988)。Buddhist Hermeneutics。Honolulu, Hawaii:University of Hawaii Press。  new window
1.Adams, Wendy Furman,Howe, Nancy。Dante's 'Letter to Can Grande della Scala',http://web.whittier.edu/people/WebPages/PersonalWebPages/furmanadams/Letter tocanGrandeExcerpts.HTM。  new window
2.Yee, Danny。The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant by John Dominic Crossan,http://dannyreviews.com。  new window
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