

作者:張弘遠 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Hong-yuan
主題關鍵詞:發展型國家中國大陸經濟發展管制型政府政府角色Developmental stateChina economic growthRegulatory stateGovernment's role
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自中國大陸經改以來,便有許多學者嘗試運用「發展型國家」的理論來解釋中國經濟發展的轉折,更有研究指出中國的確運用了「發展型國家」的經驗來作為其經濟發展時的政策指導。東亞發展模式中政府介入的模式,由於符合中國政治與經濟互動的現實,因此成為中國政府推動經改時的理論參照對象。不過隨著經濟轉型的完成,當前中國經濟發展仍然可以運用「發展型國家」的理論概念來進行解釋嗎?對此則引發了本文寫作的動機。本文嘗試由理論發展的背景開始,透過相關研究觀點的辨析進而說明整體理論觀點的內涵,最後為「發展型國家」理論觀點梳理出清楚的解釋。 在說明「發展型國家」理論的內涵之後,本文試圖論證其對當前中國大陸總體發展情勢解讀的能力。本文主要觀點認為,此一概念在分析地方經濟成長中的政府角色有其適用性,但是若欲詮釋中央層級的經濟發展時,則有所不足。 最後,本文從當前中國大陸經濟發展中的政府角色來看待,認為就總體角度而言,大陸中央政府明顯地扮演管制型政府與市場保護型政府的角色,因而也得出在運用「發展型政府」的理論觀點來詮釋大陸總體發展時,需要適當的重建理論方能獲得有意義的研究指導。
When the initial reform of China began, many scholars used to exercise the concept of “developmental state” to explain China’s economic success. Because many researches indicated China had been to use the concept to guide the economic policies. But, after the end of economic transitions, the government’s role already had changed. We query the applicability of this concept. There is so much changeability about the role of government since China started economic reform. These variations made China central government shift its position to dominate and local governments embed their roles in local political-economic relation. The kind of effect is weakened by the government to guide economic growth. This article indicated the concept of “developmental state” cannot reasonably explain the central government’s performance in economy growth, although it can explain the local government’s performance. The final conclusion is, we should rebuild the concept of “developmental state” to “regulatory state” if we want to use it to explain the China achievement of economy now.
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