

書刊名:臺中教育大學學報. 數理科技類
作者:黃益松朱曉萍張旭玲 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Yi-sungChu, Hsiao-pingChang, Hsu-ling
主題關鍵詞:元月效應春節效應GARCH模型January effectChinese new year effectGARCH model
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元月效應或春節效應為股票市場中每年元月或春節期間的投資報酬率傾向高於其他月份之異常現象。本研究主要目的利用GARCH(1,1)模型檢測臺灣股票市場從1995年11月至2003年12月是否具有元月或春節效應之存在。實證結果顯示,元月效應存在於上櫃市場,但不存在於上市市場,然而,在春節效應的研究中我們發現在5%的顯著水準下,只有上市市場具有春節效應,但是在10%的顯著水準下,上市市場及上櫃市場在春節前天皆有較高於其他月份的報酬,其效應顯示臺灣的投資者在春節前會獲得大量流動利潤(liquid profit),而投入股票市場,造成春節期間報酬較高。
January effect and Chinese New Year effect means that the investors will have excess return in January and Chinese New Year. In this research, we examine whether the January effect and Chinese New Year effect exist in Taiwan's stock market by using the GARCH (1, 1) model during November 1995 to December 2003. The empirical results from GARCH (1, 1) model substantiate that January effect and Chinese New Year effect exist in Taiwan's stock market and the return is higher than other months fifteen days before Chinese New Year.
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