

作者(外文):Lin, Pei-yingLin, Yu-cheng
主題關鍵詞:簡明閱讀模式識字閱讀理解聽覺理解閱讀困難Listening comprehensionReading difficultiesReading comprehensionSimple view of readingWord recognition
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閱讀是人人必備的重要基本技能之一,在現今社會中,閱讀是個體的主要學習管道,舉凡食衣住行、課業學習、傳達訊息,無不依賴閱讀技能,也唯有透過閱讀和理解,我們才能將書中的文字或圖片以及知識加以轉化和吸收,進而豐富我們的視野和觀念。目前總計研究領域中,越來越受關注的理論是簡明閱讀模式(the Simple View of Reading) (Gough & Tunmer, 1986),此模式主張閱讀理解能力與認字與聽覺理解能力所决定,有助於改善目前閱讀成分過於龐雜,診斷工具與程序未臻完善的情形。因此,若能明確掌握閱讀理解成分,將有助於未来教學者做有效的閱讀補救教學與診斷。職此之故,本文旨在讓教學者了解簡明閱讀模式,以分析學生個别的閱讀困難,提昇閱讀困難學生的認字和語言理解能力。
We are able to enrich our perspectives and ideas through reading activities. However, reading problems can cause the Matthew effects on students with reading difficulties. What's worse, the criteria for identification and diagnosis of reading difficulties are still debated and many reading components of reading are too complex to be followed. In addition, with complicated concepts of reading, educators have often encountered with obstacles to deliver effective and appropriate remedial instruction and assessments to students with reading difficulties. One of the most noticed theories is the Simple View of Reading, which proposed by Philip Gough and William Tunmer (1986). This reading model asserts that reading comprehension ability can be decomposed into two factors: word recognition and listening comprehension. It is possible to provide an explicit reading model as guideline for educators to evaluate the individual reading problems so as to improve the abilities of word recognition and language comprehension of poor readers.
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