

作者:賴香如 引用關係吳德敏呂昌明吳玉萍黃璟隆
作者(外文):Lai, Hsiang-ruWu, Der-minLu, Chang-mingWu, Yu-pingHuang, Jing-long
主題關鍵詞:氣喘學生身體活動教育介入國小Asthmatic studentsPhysical activityInterventionPrimary schools
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本實驗研究之目的在設計、執行氣喘學生身體活動教育介入課程並評價其成效。採實驗組對照組前後測設計,立意選取台北市文山區五所國小五、六年級的氣喘學生為對象,進行七單元24節課程的介入教學。其中實驗組有59名、控制組有110名學生。 研究資料以雙因子重複量數變異數進行分析,主要發現如下: 一、教育介入後,實驗組運動誘發型氣喘知識進步情形高於控制組 二、教育介入後,兩組在七類運動社會心理變項的改變並未達統計顯著差異水準。 三、實驗組後後測之星期六身體活動總能量消耗與第六至九級身體活動能量消耗均高於前測,顯示身體活動教育介入對氣喘學生的身體活動產生影響。另外,對照組後測之三日平均身體活動總能量消耗低於前測。
The main purpose of this study was to implement and evaluate the effects of a physical activity intervention program for asthmatic students. Asthmatic students in five primary schools in Taipei municipal area were purposely selected as subjects. Then, a seven-unit, 24-section program was developed and implemented. The experimental and control groups included 59 and 110 students, respectively. Data were analyzed with repeated measurement two-way ANOVA. The major findings of the present study were as follows: 1. After the intervention, the experimental group's knowledge score was significantly higher than the control group. 2. After the intervention, there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the seven exercise-psychosocial variables. 3. The experimental group's physical activity log on Saturday in post-post test was significantly higher than in pre-test. But the control group's three-day physical activity log in post-test was lower than in pre-test.
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