

題名:Theorie und Praxis des Deutschen Übersetzungsunterrichts in Taiwan
作者:徐安妮 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, An-nie
主題關鍵詞:德語教學翻譯翻譯教學Cross-cultural translationTeaching GermanTeaching translationDeutsch als fremdspracheÜbersetzenDidaktik des Übersetzens
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  在當今全球化的浪潮中,隨著科技的日新月異,世界早已是個聲息相通的地球村。其中因為資訊的快速流通與人們的接觸頻繁,翻譯也已成為不同語言、不同領域與文化間彼此溝通的橋樑。於是,培養專業譯者在21世紀的今日,實為各國因應全球化趨勢不可或缺的作為之一。 依據F.G. Konigs以及U. Kautz有關翻譯教學的理論,一般外語學系課程中的翻譯不外是「教學型」及「功能型」兩種。「教學型翻譯」著重字、句的對譯,是一種以驗收學習者字彙、文法等語言學習成效為目的的翻譯。至於「功能型翻譯」則是以文本功能為出發,以段落、篇章為單位,採意譯為手段,是一種以培養專業翻譯為目的的翻譯。 本研究即是根據此一論述,以質性的研究方式,一方面探討臺灣當前德國語文學系課程中「翻譯」學科的定位以及教學現況,另一方面也檢視以翻譯專對為導向的翻譯課程在臺灣適用的可能性與困境,並希望能藉以拋磚引玉喚起更多的研究,以探求國內培養德語專業翻譯人才的最佳途徑,作為臺灣德語翻譯教與學之參考。
With the wave of globalization as well as the rapid development of technological science, the whole world has been considered as a small global village in which mutual communications are fully performed. In compliance with the speedy exchange of information and regular international contact, cross-cultural translation has without doubt become a bridge to get together people with different languages, domains of life and even cultural backgrounds. That is why it turns out to be an inevitable issue for any nation in the world to nurture and train professional translators and interpreters in the 21st century. Based on the translational theories by F.G. Konigs and U. Kautz, the translation courses are generally divided into two categories: “instructional” and “functional.” In instructional translation, we focus on the mutual translation of words, phrases and sentences—of which the purpose is set on how successfully language learners have achieved in the study of lexical and grammatical components. In the functional translation, on the other hand, the purpose is oriented by textual documents—taking paragraphs and passages as a translational unit and doing translation functionally rather than literally. Functional translation therefore has its goal set to train professional translators and interpreters. The paper—referring to the translational theories above and adopting qualitative approaches—explores the academic status of “translation” in the college departments of German in Taiwan and examines the possibility and dilemma that might arise when professional translation courses are taken as a core part of the curricula. It is our hope that our research could stimulate a wider and deeper study on the topic, looking thus for the best way to have an access to Sino-Germanic translators and interpreters. We also hope that our research could be utilized as a reference in the educational fields of teaching and learning German.
1.Haensch, Günter、Krauß, Christel(1983)。99 deutsche Texte zum Übersetzen。99 deutsche Texte zum Übersetzen。  new window
2.Lai, Li-Shou(1996)。Grundkenntnisse des Deutschen-Chinesischen Ûbersetzens。Grundkenntnisse des Deutschen-Chinesischen Ûbersetzens。  new window
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