

題名:The Correlation between Motivation, Academic Performance, Socioeconomic Status and the English Academic Performance of EFL Technological and Vocational Junior College Students from Urban and Non-Urban Areas
作者(外文):Cheng, Ting-yaoTimothy, Williams
主題關鍵詞:社經地位技職院校成就動機英語教學城鄉差距EFLSocioeconomic statusTechnological and vocational junior collegeEnglish learning
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本文的目的在檢視臺灣都會區與非都會區影響技職院校學生英語學習因素的三個因素相關情形,此三因素分別為:學生的成就動機、學業表現、與社經地位。受試者分為都會區與非都會區的學生,都會區學生為126位來自臺北地區技職院校學生,而非都會區學生為136位來自非都會區技職院校學生,測量工具以問卷為主,問卷主要目的在於調查學生的動機與父母的社經地位。 本研究主要結果發現都會區與非都會區的學生其英語學習成就與其父母的社經地位有較高的相關。經過進一步的分析,將父母社經地位分為經濟社經地位,文化社經地位兩組,兩組與來自都會區與非都會區的學生的英語學習成就交叉比對,研究發現學生的英語學習成就與不同的社經地位有著程度不同的相關,都會區的學生英語學習成就與經濟位階較為相關,而非都會區學生的英語學習成就與文化社經地位較為相關。 基於研究結果發現,動機與英語學習成就相關度最高,而父母社經地位是學生學習英語成就次之,研究分析得知社會與文化優勢確實有助於學生學習英語,因此學生的英語成就也變得可以預測,教師應提供來自低社經地位家庭的學生多一些的協助,而都會區與非都會區的學生英語學習成就與父母不同的社經地位類型相關,代表著都會區與非都會區的家長對於英語教學可能存有不同的信念,值得作更深入研究探討。
The main aim of this study was to examine the correlation between influential English learning factors and the English academic performance of EFL technological and vocational students from urban and non-urban areas. The three possible influential factors examined were the students' motivation, academic performance and socioeconomic status. The subjects were, respectively, 126 students from Taipei labeled as UAS (Urban Area Students) and 136 students from non-urban areas labeled as NUS (Non-Urban Students). The measure for this study was a questionnaire for investigating the subjects' motivation and their parents' socioeconomic status. The main result from the study was that the English academic performance of both UAS and NUS was more related to motivation than to the other factors. The correlation of parents' socioeconomic status and English academic performance was further analyzed. The results on socioeconomic status were divided into two main groups: economic and cultural socioeconomic status. Based on these types of socioeconomic status, the correlations were analyzed and compared. Both types were highly related to the English academic performance of UAS and of NUS. Moreover, the English academic performance of UAS and of NUS was associated with different types of socioeconomic status. This result showed that the English performance of UAS was more related to economic socioeconomic status; however, that of NUS was more related to cultural socioeconomic status. On the basis of the results, among all the factors, motivation is the most influential for students' English achievement. The influences of motivation on English learning are significantly different in both groups. Socioeconomic status is highly correlated to students' English achievement in Taiwan. Further analysis was done on the influence of socioeconomic status. The results show socioeconomic and cultural advantages for students are highly significant for English learning. In addition, the significant role of socioeconomic status in English learning suggests that the students' English academic performance is predictable. Thus, teachers should provide a more socially and culturally advantageous environment for students from low socioeconomic status families. The result that urban and non-urban students' English academic performance correlated to different types of status may imply that parents in urban and non-urban areas may hold different beliefs toward English learning. Further study could be done to explore such differences.
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