

作者:吳淑禎 引用關係李咏吟
作者(外文):Wu, Shu-chenLee, Yong-yin
主題關鍵詞:後設認知大學生效率學習量表Meta-cognitionCollege studentEffective learning scale
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「學習如何學」是一個多向度的整體學習概念,它不只是學習技術更是一種學習策略(McKeachie et al., 1986)。本研究參考認知與後設認知文獻和相關量表,並實地訪談大學學生、大學教師,做為量表問項的發展依據。研究工具以1,343位大學生為對象,建立工具的信、效度。研究結果顯示:1.本研究編製的「大學生效率學習量表」,可做為大學生學習檢核的有效工具,具有良好的建構效度與信度。2.本研究所發展工具,包括「學習態度」、「自我檢視」、「學習習慣」、「學習專注」、「學習方法」與「資源應用」等六個向度,共計39題。3.本研究依不同性別所呈現的學習差異,分別建立大學男、女生百分等級,作為相對地位的樣本參照。4.本研究發現大學生在效率學習量表各分量表以及全量表的總得分與受試者學期成績存在顯著正相關。
Learning to learn is not only a group of study tactics but also meta-cognitive strategies. It deals with both effective (the strategy is learned) and efficient (it is learned to an optimal level with minimal effort of learning). This research is concerned with the development of an effective learning scale to measure the level of learning to learn of Taiwanese’s college students. The scale were constructed based on the cognition and meta-cognition literatures and pre-interview data of college students and teachers. Research results from 1,343 students showed: 1.The scale of Effective learning was good in reliability and validity in assessing the learning strategies of college students. 2.The scale is comprised of six factors: learning attitude, self-check, learning habits, learning attention, learning methods, and resources usage. 3. A stratification selection of male and female college students served as the standardized sample in order to develop the percentile norm in Taiwan. 4. Effective learning scores with semester record showed the positive significant correlation. The results allow the Taiwanese colleges students to provide an easy effective tool for detecting students’ learning to learn strategies.
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