

作者(外文):Wu, Ming-taLiao, Pei-wen
主題關鍵詞:創意思考教學科技大學技術學院Creative teachingUniversity of science & technologyInstitute of technology
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知識經濟時代的來臨,創造力已成為競爭優勢的關鍵因素,並且創造力在教育中逐漸被重視成為議題,我國各級學校教育目標均列有創造思考與問題解決能力的培養。但欲達成此一教育目標,有賴教師運用有效的教學方法加以配合,以其透過教育的方式,培育具有創造力的人才為各行各業創造出更美好的遠景,為國家社會開創新契機。本研究主要想建立一個影響教師創意思考教學的假設性模型,以瞭解影響教師創意教學整體的因素。寄發34所科技大學及技術學院機械系院校,回收22所(學校家數回收率64.7%),有效問卷共146份(總問卷回收率48.67%)。經由實證結果為: 1.影響教師創意思考教學因素為「人格特質」、「內容知識」、「擴散性思考」、「共享價值」、「學校文化」、「教學動機」等六個構面。 2.不同「年齡」、「學校地區」、「學校隸屬」、「產業年資」對創意思考教學有顯著差異。 3.影響創意思考教學因素依序為「人格特質」、「教學動機」、「內容知識」、「共享價值」、「擴散思考」、「學校文化」。
Because of the advent of knowledge economy era, creativity becomes the one of critical success factor of the competitive advantage. The creativity has been a critical issue for the education researchers. In order to education objectives achieve to give lessons creative and problem solving class. The willingness of using effective teaches method into instruction for education. It is necessary to do education well if it wants to cultivate students of capability, who will devote themselves to the society. The main topics of this research are set up the influence factors of Instructor's creative teaching model; hope to make identify factors of Influence Instructor's creative teaching for this study. Totally send out 34 university & college at department of mechanical engineering, and retrieve 22 university & college (64.7%). Retrieve 146 effective questioners. The results we found in this research are: 1. Influence instructor's creative teaching, included six dimensions: Personality Trait, Content Knowledge, Divergent Thinking, Shared Value, School Culture, Motivation Teaching. 2. There were significant differences existed among Age, School Location, School Jurisdiction and Industry Practical Experience on creative teaching scale. 3. The order of most predictive to creative teaching as follows: Personality Trait, Motivation Teaching, Content Knowledge, Shared Value, Divergent Thinking and School Culture.
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