

題名:The Fragments of the Tangut Translation of the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch Preserved in the Fu Ssu-nien Library, Academia Sinica
作者:K. J. 索羅寧
作者(外文):Solonin, K. J.
主題關鍵詞:Platform Sutra of the Sixth PatriarchTangut translationFahaiDunhuang textsDunhuang buddhism六祖壇經西夏文法海敦煌
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本論文的目的,在於向學術界介紹中央研究院歷史語言研究所傅斯年圖書館(簡稱傅圖)收藏的西夏文本《六祖壇經》的殘頁。《六祖壇經》為中國傳統佛教禪宗的基本資料,極少其他語言的翻譯本。本論文比對傅圖的收藏與散在中國、日本的西夏文本《六祖壇經》的殘頁,發現傅圖的收藏可與其他殘頁銜接,並且屬於同一個原本;可見,傅圖收藏的資料學術價值甚高。透過本文的初步分析,西夏文本《六祖壇經》雖然接近法海的敦煌漢文本,卻不完全一致,可能另有翻譯底本。 本文除了翻譯底本的初步分析之外,還提供西夏文的重建 (reconstruction)、中文譯解,並與法海的漢文本互相對照。
This paper is devoted to the textual research of the fragments of the Tangut Translation of the Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch, discovered in the holdings of the Fu Ssu-nien Library, Academia Sinica. The translation of this text is approximately dated by 1070, thus making the Sutra one of the earliest Tangut texts. This paper contains reconstructions of the Tangut text, alongside available Chinese versions and a textual study of the newly identified fragments. Research into the translation techniques has proven that the main translation principles were not fixed by the time the translation was undertaken. The main conclusion of the present paper is that although the new fragments closely correlate with the textual tradition of the Dunhuang texts, the Tangut translation is not identical with the extant versions of the Sutra originating from Dunhuang. The conclusions of this paper are thus in line with those of Shi Jinbo, who had researched other sets of fragments of the same text stored in various libraries and museums throughout China and Japan.
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