

作者:梁炳琨 引用關係
作者(外文):Liang, Bang-kuen
主題關鍵詞:鄉村地理學後生產主義轉型另類農業食物網絡自然-社會關係Rural geographyPost-productivism transitionAlternative agro-food networksSociety-nature relationship
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3.陳憲明、李玉芬(199811)。綠島漁業發展與社會變遷的文化生態。國立臺灣師範大學地理研究報告,29,113-142。new window  延伸查詢new window
4.Marsden, T. K.、Banks, J.、Bristow, G.、Marsden, T.(2000)。Food Supply Chain Approaches: Exploring Their Role in Rural Development。Sociologia Ruralis,40(4),424-438。  new window
5.Renting, H.、Marsden, T. K.、Banks, J.(2003)。Understanding Alternative Food Networks: Exploring the Role of Short Food Supply Chains in Rural Development。Environment and Planning A,35,393-411。  new window
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