

作者:顏志龍 引用關係趙舒禾王榮春
作者(外文):Yen, Chih-longChao, Shu-heWang, Jung-chuen
主題關鍵詞:自謙偏差自評傾向自我概念評估目的評估方式Modesty biasSelf-conceptSelf-ratingAppraisal purposeRating format
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本研究以兩個子研究探討影響績效自評之文化及情境因素。研究一(N =120)以實驗法操弄「評估目的」、「評量方式」,並測量受試者之個人傳統性。結果發現:(1)「個人傳統性」對自評傾向並無影響;(2)「評估目的」對於自評傾向有所影響,當評估目的為「實際考核」時,個體之自評高於「學術研究」;(3)「評量方式」對於自評傾向有影響,當個體被要求和他人比較時,其自評高於自我參照的評估。研究二(相關法;N = 319)結果顯示:(1)自評時高估者(寬大偏差)其「社會期許需求」高於低估者(自謙偏差);(2)低估者之「自我概念」比高估者來得負面。整體研究結果顯示,情境因素和自我概念是影響自評的重要因素;而相對來說,文化價值觀對自評傾向之影響並不顯著。此外,本研究並未發現華人自評有自謙偏差傾向;相反地,多數受試者仍呈現出寬大偏差的傾向。
Two studies were conducted to examine the cultural and contextual factors which affect self-rating. In Study 1 (N=120), it was found that (1) Ss tends to be more modest when the appraisal purpose is set for academic research instead of practical grading; (2) Ss tend to be more lenient when being asked to compare his performance with others; (3)Ss’ traditionality has no significant effect on self-rating. In study 2 (N=319), it was found that (1) there are no significant differences in need for interpersonal harmony between modest and leniency bias Ss; (2) modesty bias Ss expressed less social desirability than leniency ones; (3) modesty bias Ss are more negative in their selfconcepts than leniency ones and (4), as from study1, most Ss tend to express leniency bias rather than modesty bias.
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