

作者:彭賢德 引用關係黃長福 引用關係呂景義彭賢勝
作者(外文):Peng, Hsien-teHuang, Chen-fuLu, Ching-iPeng, Hsien-sheng
主題關鍵詞:生物力學三維分析肌肉控制站立式鉛球投擲Biomechanics3D analysisMuscular controlStanding shot-put throw
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This study investigated the muscular activation patterns of the throwing arm of shot-put standing throw with different weights (8, 12 and 16 lbs.). Seven male shot putters served as subjects. Two high-speed cameras and the electromyography system were synchronized to collect data. The IEMG of forearm flexor during 16-lb. shot-putting was significantly greater than that during 8-lb. shot-putting. There was a significant positive correlation (r=0.855) between the IEMG of forearm extensor and the measured distance during 12-lb. shot-putting. Also found was a significant positive correlation (r=0.860) between the IEMG of serratus anterior and the measured distance during 16-lb. shot-putting. This study explored the muscular activation and control patterns of the throwing arm of shot-putting. It was concluded that coaches and shot-putters should focus on the specific training of the throwing arm in clavicular pectoralis major, sternal pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, middle deltoid, forearm extensor and forearm flexor, paying attention to the contraction of antagonist to effectively stablize the throwing arm during thrusting.
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