

作者(外文):Lee, Su-lan
主題關鍵詞:德川家康體適能精神意志力Tokugawa IeyasuPhysical fitnessMindWill
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本研究之主要目的在於探討體適能的提升對人類精神意志所產生的影響。以日本戰國時期之歷史人物德川家康的一生的歷練,為本文獻研究的根據,從體適能之角度來解釋德川家康為何最後終能成就統一日本之大業,對照近代科學的體適能實證研究作出結論如下: 一、體適能良好者更健康且較長壽,德川亦如是。 二、體適能良好者抗壓力較高,較能適應多元且競爭的環境,德川亦如是。 三、體適能良好者決策時,會有較佳的判斷力及優質的執行力,德川亦如是。 四、體適能良好者在個人專業領域上,會有較旺盛的企圖心及較佳的表現,德川亦如是。 五、體適能良好者,生理與心理狀態較屬正面導向,德川亦如是。 六、面對心理低潮時,藉由運動可以舒緩情緒的不適而達到較佳的心理狀態。 七、有計畫的執行體適能鍛鍊,不僅可強化其軀體,亦可增強精神意志力。
The main purpose of this research was to discuss human beings’will and mind which would been changed by doing physical exercise continually through the analysis from a Japanese hero -Tokugawa Ieyasu who unified Japan with his will and mind rather than his intelligence. The information from the analysis with literature and document review was compared with the recent empirical study for the conclusions: 1. People who have good physical fitness are healthy and long-lived, so was Tokugawa. 2. People who have good physical fitness are easy to release stress and to adapt complex circumstances, so was Tokugawa. 3. People who have good physical fitness have better judgment when they make a decision. Besides, they get higher executive, so was Tokugawa. 4. People who have good physical fitness are more ambitious and fulfill in their field, so was Tokugawa. 5. People who have good physical fitness are positively facing the world in physiology and psychology, so was Tokugawa. 6. Depression could be released and turn to normal situation by doing exercise. 7. It is not only strengthening someone’s body but his/her mind and will with continual and appropriate exercise.
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