

作者:譚鴻仁 引用關係
作者(外文):Tan, Hung-jen
主題關鍵詞:椪風茶關係空間鄉村發展傳統理論龍潭Formosa oolong teaRelational spaceRural developmentConvention theoryLongtan
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(10) 博士論文(2) 專書(0) 專書論文(2)
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3.莊素玉(2006)。破碎山河,傷心國土。天下雜誌,346,152-164。  延伸查詢new window
4.Murdoch, J.、Miele, M.(1999)。Back to Nature: Changing Worlds of Production in the Food Sector。Sociologia Ruralis,39(4),465-483。  new window
5.Freidberg, S. E.(2003)。Cultures, Conventions and Colonial Constructs of Rurality in South-north Horticultural Trades。Journal of Rural Studies,19,97-109。  new window
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10.Murdoch, J.、Marsden, T.(1995)。The Spatialization of Politics: Local and National Actor-space in Environmental Conflict。Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,20(3),368-380。  new window
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18.Murdoch, J.、Abram, S.、Marsden, T.(2000)。Technical Expertise and Public Participation in Planning for Housing: 'Playing the Numbers Game'。Power and Participation: The New Politics of Local Governance。London, UK。  new window
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1.Marsden, T.(1998)。Economic Perspectives。The Geography of Rural Change。Longman。  new window
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