

題名:教師偏愛學生現象對國中小學生班級士氣及心理適應之影響 : 受偏愛學生/非偏愛學生之多重樣本分析
書刊名:屏東教育大學學報. 教育類
作者:李介至 引用關係梁滄郎
作者(外文):Lee, Jie-zhiLiang, Tsang-lang
主題關鍵詞:教師獨斷教師偏愛學生現象班級士氣心理適應Classroom moraleTeacher arbitraryTeacher's pet phenomenonMental adjustment
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The present study centrally concerned with teacher’s pet phenomenon, confirming the correlation of teacher’s arbitrary, teacher’s pet phenomenon, classroom morale, and students’ mental adjustment, and tested the fitness of this structural model. This research used the random cluster sampling method, and sampled 368 students as the test subjects totally. Subjects were administered by teacher arbitrary scale, teacher pet phenomenon scale, classroom morale scale, and mental adjustment scale. Statistical analyses were adapted by using a structural equation modeling with the Amos 5.0. The main findings of this research were as follows: (1) The research model fitted the observed datas and the presented study supported recent results. (2) Teacher’s arbitrary effected teacher’s pet phenomenon directly, and effected classroom morale and students’ mental adjustment indirectly.(3)Pet students and non-pet students had statistic difference on indicators. Two sub-models revealed equivalent patterns, but different path effects. Implications for theory, practice and research are discussed.
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