

作者:曾勝珍 引用關係
作者(外文):Tseng, Sheng-chen
主題關鍵詞:智慧財產權營業秘密網際網路負面資訊不公平競爭離職後競業禁止Intellectual property rightsTrade secretInternetNegative knowledgeUnfair competition
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營業秘密的保障是近年來深受重視的議題,若離職員工洩漏的是「負面資訊」(negative knowledge) ,而被其他競爭廠家加以修正增刪,並研發成為具有競爭性的產品,進而產生對原公司的業務威脅,即形成不公平競爭的態樣。 我國法遵循成文法國家立法習慣與經驗,目前在成文法規中尚未有如「負面資訊」之規範,未若美國法可在各別案例中做出因應時勢與個案事實的判決,因此本文將「不可避免之揭露理論」 (Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine) 與負面資訊所形成的 學業秘密 (Negative Trade Secrets) 可相互映照與運用的部份深入研究。 本文將檢視「負面資訊」是否會造成不公平競爭,如受僱人未提供「負面資訊」是否造成原僱用人,藉此妨礙其他同業之競爭行為;且評估「負面資訊」構成的價值與造成的影響對整體利益的傷害,即其主要動機乃為獨享資訊,形成交易市 場中的不公平競爭狀態。最後針對離職員工可否證明所知悉的「負面資訊」乃經由其個人努力及工作經驗所得知,以維護受僱人之工作選擇自由與權利。
Trade secret cases pose special problems distinct from other intellectual property lawsuits because alleged trade secrets are rarely defined in advance of litigation. Perhaps the strangest theory of trade secret law is the concept of negative know-how, a theory under which an employee who resigns and joins a different business can be liable for not repeating the mistakes and failures of his or her former employer. The boundaries of the negative knowledge concepts have not been well articulated in the case law. This article first reviews the ROC Statutes and theories, especially in Fair Trade Law. There is a growing debate between the proponents of negative knowledge and unfair competition. Broad application of the negative know-how theory then would create new restrictions on employee mobility and allow employers to obtain court-created non-competition covenants against former employees based on their knowledge of failures and errors.
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