

作者:黃啟誠朱斌妤 引用關係蔣侑修
作者(外文):Huang, Chi-chengChu, Pin-yuChiang, Yu-hsiu
主題關鍵詞:科技專案模糊層級分析模擬Government-sponsored technology projectFuzzy analytic hierarchy processSimulation
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Taiwan has launched various government-sponsored technology development programs since 1979 and has provided funding for firms to do R&D. The decision of government-sponsored technology development projects is normally made by a review committee with experts from academia, industry, and the government. It is important for project selection decision to analyze different expert judgments. In this study, we applied a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process approach to comparing judgments of experts from four committees and completed a simulation to analyze changes of criteria weights under different degree of uncertainty. Our results indicated that: (1) the ranking of evaluated criteria in this study shows different among four technical committees; and (2) the relative importance of evaluated criteria is changed when experts of technical committees face different degree of uncertainty. Based on results of this study, we suggest an approach to solve conflict of expert judgments in government-sponsored R&D project selection.
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