

題名:Testing for Categorical Moderating Effects: Factor Scores or Factor-based Scores
書刊名:Asia Pacific Management Review
作者:Chen, Mei-fangDing, Cherng G.
主題關鍵詞:Factor-based scoresModeratorsFactor scores derived from CFAMRAMonte Carlo simulationPower
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To test for categorical moderating effects on the relationships between constructs, the moderated regression analysis (MRA) can be used, but the adequacy of measurement needs to be ensured. The factor-based scores are often used as input for MRA for the sake of simplicity. However, the corresponding power may be insufficient. The factor scores derived from CFA instead of factor-based scores are recommended. Power comparisons between the scoring approaches were made by using Monte Carlo simulation for dichotomous and trichotomous moderators. The results indicated that the factor scores derived from CFA can lead to substantially higher power, and therefore are recommended as input for MRA.
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