

題名:The Effects of Store Name Composition on Consumers' Perceptions toward Click-and-Mortar
書刊名:Asia Pacific Management Review
作者:Lai, MengkuanChen, Yi-rung
主題關鍵詞:Click-and-MortarBrand equityTrustPerceived riskConsumer behaviour
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Many marketers are attracted to the apparent prosperity of e-commerce. The easiest and least risky way for traditional retailers to go online is by partnering with an online company. This study examines the leverage effect that physical stores lend to e-commerce ventures (increasing the level of trust and decreasing the perceived risk) and enhancing the intent to purchase at “click-and-mortar” stores. Based on brand extension literature, this study hypothesizes that physical store name recognition will have a positive effect on consumers’ reception of the click-and-mortar store. E-partnering with well known websites has a more significant impact for low reputed, rather than highly reputed, physical stores. Experimental websites were created to gather data. In general, the results support the hypothesized directions of relationships among research variables.
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