

題名:The Effects of Subsidiary Roles and MNC Nationalities on the Top Management Teams Demography: Empirical Research on MNC Subsidiaries in Taiwan
書刊名:Asia Pacific Management Review
作者:Fong, Cher-minWeng, Liang-chiehChao, Yu-chiehHo, Hsiao-hui
主題關鍵詞:Subsidiary rolesTop management teamsMultinational corporations
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The TMT perspective developed by Hambrick and Mason (1984) suggests that the demographic characteristics of the top management team may affect organizational outcomes. Little previous work examines the international dimension of the demographics of TMT and looks at the demographics of TMT as explanandum. This study investigates the effects of subsidiary roles and nationalities on subsidiaries' demographic characteristics of TMT. Results show that subsidiary roles are positively related to the TMT's education, social integration, and communication frequency and nationalities are positively associated with TMT's age, education, and tenure.
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