

作者:黃秀端 引用關係
作者(外文):Hawang, Shiow-duan
主題關鍵詞:集體記憶遺忘二二八事件政治權力Collective memoryForgettingThe 228 incidentPolitical power
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This paper employs the theory of collective memory to interpret the development of the 228 Incident in public discourse. This study will be divided into three periods, the first period being before the abolition of martial law, and the second period being after its abolition during Kuomintang (KMT) rule. The third period takes place during the period when the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) took the presidency. During the first period, the KMT government completely controlled the power of collective memory; as a result, the word “228” disappeared from the public. However, as society became more democratic and more information was released, the government had no choice but to respond to the demand for the truth of the Incident. Therefore, the second period can be a period of reconstruction. During the third period, the DPP government had its own interpretation of the Incident. A book titled The 228 Incident: A Report on Responsibility argued that Chiang Kai-shek should be responsible for the massacre. The book that simply infuriated the KMT. It is apparent that there are different political powers competing for Taiwan’s collective memory. Any incumbent government attempts to control the interpretation of collective memory. But in a free society, the government should not and will not control everything.
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