

作者:黃東陽 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Tung-yang
主題關鍵詞:創造社革命文學共產主義郭沫若成仿吾Creative societyRevolutionary literatureCommunismGuo Mu RuoCheng Fang Wu
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A literary association formed after the May Fourth Movement, the Creative Society changed from the original stand of romanticism in literary creation to advocating the ”Revolutionary Literature” after its members joined the Northward Expedition of the Guangdong Government. The Creative Society used its publications The Flood and Creative Monthly to advocate revolutionary literature. These two publications not only served as the main propaganda tools of the Northward Expedition, but also as the vehicles for spreading communism. The purpose of this paper is to study the system of the literary creation theory of this Society during this period and uses its merits and faults to show the impact of the Society's literary creation theory on the Northward Expedition, even the contemporary society. In the origin, essence and foundation of criticism in literature, the Society followed the historical materialism of the Marxist at each move, totally ignored the individual's spiritual activities and the pursue of estheticism in literary creation, misconstrued the tradition of creative thinking and the way of criticism in Chinese literary creation, reflected the strong ideology and the political intention in the theory of the revolutionary literature. The following can be deduced from the results of this study: 1. The main reason why the theory of literary creation of this Society was welcome by the contemporary young intellectuals was because the Society used the ”Revolutionary Literature” to paint a wealthy and powerful promised land of socialism for the youth of high ambitions to look forward to and not the meaning of the theory of literary creation; 2. The Society used the title of ”Revolutionary Literature” to unit the Northward Expedition and the Communist ideology, considering the Northward Expedition and the Communism synonyms, implanted this concept in the consciousness of the contemporary youth, thus became the most lurking danger of the Northward Expedition. Although the Creation Society was banned by the government of the Nationalist Party (KMT) soon after the success of the Northward Expedition, its influence lingered and let the Communist Party reclaim the ”Revolutionary Literature” banner even after its military defeat, became the tool for drumming up the Communist ideology in Shanghai and the secret force for seizing the political power. Although the historical materialism based literary creation theory of the Creation Society, the originator of the ”Revolutionary Literature”, could not stand any tests for its rational, yet in the political power struggle, it became the key force in communizing China by the Communists and changed the political situation in modern China.
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