

題名:A Personal Vision of the Integrated Society
書刊名:Journal of Futures Studies
作者:Anthony, Marcus
主題關鍵詞:Futures studiesVisioningKnowledge economyWorkControlIntegrated intelligenceMysticism
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2.Slaughter, Richard(20060500)。Beyond the Mundane--Towards Post-Conventional Futures Practice。Journal of Futures Studies,10(4),15-24。new window  new window
3.Lombardo, Tom(20070800)。The Evolution and Psychology of Future Consciousness。Journal of Futures Studies,12:1,頁1-23。new window  new window
4.Anthony, Marcus(20060500)。A Genealogy of the Western Rationalist Hegemony。Journal of Futures Studies,10:4,頁25-38。new window  new window
5.Franklin, Barry M.(1999)。Discourse, rationality, and educational research: A historical perspective of RER。Review of Educational Research,69(4),347-364。  new window
6.Anthony, Marcus(2005)。Integrated intelligence and the pychospiritual imperatives of mechanistic science。Journal of Futures Studies,10(1),31-47。  new window
7.Dijksterhuis, Ap, et al.(2006)。On making the right choice: The deliberation-without-attention effect。Science,311(5763),1005-1007。  new window
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54.Slaughter, Richard(1999)。Futures for the third millennium。St. Leonards, Australia。  new window
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58.Zohar, Danah、Marshall, Ian(1994)。The quantum society。London。  new window
1.Anthony, Marcus(n.d.)。Light and shadow at the edge of mind。  new window
2.Inayatullah, Sohail(2004)。Spirituality as the fourth bottom line。  new window
3.Phipps, Carter(2004)。The breaking point: An interview with Duane Elgin。  new window
4.Slaughter, Richard(2003)。Integral futures: A new model for futures enquiry and practice。  new window
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1.Kunzmann, U.、Baltes, P. B.(2003)。Beyond the traditional scope of intelligence: Wisdom in action。Models of intelligence: International perspectives。Washington, DC:American Psychological Association。  new window
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