

作者:林東正 引用關係王旭龍呂賴誠
作者(外文):Lin, Tung-chengWang, Shee-longLu, Lai-chen
主題關鍵詞:電子市集醫藥產業採用存活Electronic marketplacesPharmaceutical industryAdoptionSurvive
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資訊技術採行較為保守的國內醫藥產業,近年在資訊潮流與競爭激烈下,自 2000年起陸續建置許多以藥品及衛材買賣為主的電子市集。然而整體發展歷程,卻呈現建置初期多為公有電子市集,最後卻僅餘私有電子市集存活之現象。本研究採用多重個案研究,就此特殊歷程進行探討。研究發現電子市集之建置與採用,與建置者的利益認知及採行多元接單技術有關,而電子市集存活與否則受足夠的多數、醫藥產業通路特性關係及是否具備資料轉換標準影響。
Pharmaceutical Industry is reactively in conservative to applying information technology electronic commerce. Under the pressure of extremely competition and the progress of information technology, many electronic marketplaces (EMPs) have been established since year 2000, in order to catch new opportunities or enhancing procurement efficiency. This is interesting phenomenon that the initial period of EMPs is public, but finally only the private EMPs survive. We conduct multiple case studies in this study. From this study, it is discovered that the adoption of EMPs are influence by perceived benefit and multiple ordering functionality. However, the survivals of EMPs are influence by critical mass, Industrial characteristic, and standard data exchange format.
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