

作者:陳信良陳忠慶 引用關係吳昶潤 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Shin L.Chen, Trevor C.Wu, Chang, J.
主題關鍵詞:最大攝氧量測驗12分鐘跑測驗羽球運動表現血乳酸心跳率Maximal oxygen capacity12 minutes running testBlood lactate concentrationHeart rate
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背景: 目前評估羽球有氧動力,仍採用實驗室最大攝氧量(VO2max)或12分鐘跑測驗方法,故可能無法反應出羽球運動的特殊性。目的:在於探討羽球現場「Y」字型3、6、9拍間歇有氧動力測驗,是否可以做為評估羽球選手專項間歇有氧動力的評估方法。方法:以18名大學男子甲組羽球選手為受試對象,並以平衡次序法讓所有受試者各進行二次12分鐘跑、跑步機VO2max、羽球3、6、9拍間歇有氧能力測驗(每次測驗間隔>24小時)。所有受試者在進行這些測驗(除VO2max外)之後,立即接受HR及RPE的測驗;而LA分析,則分別安排在每次完成運動測驗後第4分鐘。此外,在VO2max測驗時,是以受試者在原地跑步機上進行衰竭測驗時的最大HR、RPE以及VO2值做為統計分析值;LA測驗時間,安排在VO2max測驗後的第4分鐘。結果:發現(1)HR:羽球6拍測驗與VO2max測驗之間有相關(r=.59, p<.05);(2)LA值:羽球6拍測驗與12分鐘跑之間有相關(r=.65,p < .05);(3) RPE:羽球3、9拍測驗與12分鐘跑及3拍測驗與VO2max測驗之間有相關(r=-.59、r=-.52、r=.61, p<.05);(4)每趟羽球Y字型所完成的平均時間:在進行6、9拍測驗時,受試者進行第1個至最後1個Y字型測驗時,所完成的每1個Y字型之平均時間均很接近(p>.05);但是在3拍測驗中,則有差異(p<.05)。結論:本研究的結果顯示,羽球6拍間歇有氧能力測驗方式,在其總完成時間、HR及LA上,顯然優於3、9拍測驗。基此,本研究所採用的羽球6拍測驗方式,可能可做為未來羽球教練和運科人員評估羽球選手專項有氧能力的方法之一。
Background: It is a common measure to evaluate the aerobic power using the maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) test on a treadmill and 12-minutes running test. However, these two measures cannot reflect to how badminton players performing exercise on field. Purpose: This study was to test whether "Y-type" of specific aerobic badminton in 3 (3-ST), 6 (6-ST), 9 strikes tests (9-ST) would be regarded as an effecient field test for the specific intermittent aerobic capacity field test in collegiated-male badminton players. Methods: Eighteen male badminton players at National Chiayi University were recruited in the study. All subjects did maximal oxygen capacity (VO2max) on a treadmill, 12 minutes running test, and Y type of specific aerobic badminton in 3-ST, 6-ST, 9-ST using counterbalance method. The interval for each test was performed at least 24 hours. Each subject was measured both heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) immediately after each test, VO2 and blood lactate concentration (LA) were measured at 4 minutes after each badminton Y type test, respectively. Moreover, the peak values of HR, RPE, VO2 during VO2max test were taken as the final statistical analysis. LA was also analyzed at 4 minutes after VO2max test for all subjects. Results: The results of this study showed as follows: 1. 6-ST had a significant correlation (r=.59, p<.05) with the VO2max in HR; 2. 6-ST had a significant correlated (r=.65, p<.05) with the 12 minutes running test in LA; 3. 3-ST and 9-ST had significant correlated (r=.59, r=-.52, p<.05) with 12 minutes running test in RPE; 4. The average time consuming for the badminton type Y: at the type 6 and 9, each subject took almost the same time to complete (p>.05); but at type 3, it was different (p<.05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that total completely time, HR, and LA after performing 6-ST had significantly better than 3-ST and 9-ST. Therefore, this method may useful for coaches and sports scientists to evaluate the specific aerobic ability of badminton players in the future.
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