

作者:陳浚良 引用關係吳茂盛黃奕仁 引用關係何建德 引用關係蔡櫻蘭 引用關係郭家驊 引用關係
作者(外文):Chen, Chun-liangWu, Mao-shengHuang, Yi-jenHo, Chien-teTsai, Ying-lanKuo, Chiao-hua
主題關鍵詞:孕烯醇酮硫酸化脫氫異雄固酮鹽睪固酮肌酸激酶肌肉損傷PregnenoloneDHEA-STestosteroneCKMuscle damage
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Plyometric training, usually served as one drill to enhance bouncing ability of volleyball players, would cause more muscle damage. Pregnenolone was one precursor of sex steroid hormone. This study was to investigate the effect of oral pregnenolone after plyometric training on serum DHEA-S, testosterone, cholesterol, and muscle damage. Ten male professional volleyball players were randomized to the control and experimental groups. Following single plyometric training, the control group was given placebo intake and the experimental group was oral pregnenolone for one week during which fasting blood sample every morning was collected to analyze DHEA-S, testosterone, cholesterol and CK. After two weeks, two groups crossover with the same procedure. The results found that CK AUC was lower in the experimental group than the control group (the control group: 1097.23±308.92>the experimental group: 346.78±175.06). However, no significant changes were noted in serum DHEA-S, testosterone and cholesterol. The result denoted that oral pregnenolone effectively reduced muscle damage from plyometric training with no effect on DHEA-S and testosterone, which suggested that pregnenolone is capable to diminish muscle damage from high-intensity training without controversial issues of illicit drug.
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