

作者:王雲東 引用關係
作者(外文):Wang, Yun-tung
主題關鍵詞:身心障礙者職業輔導評量成效評估方案評估People with disabilitiesVocational assessmentPerformance evaluationProgram evaluation
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本研究透過學者專家座談會、次級資料分析、以及電訪問卷調查等方法,針對台北市 90至 94年職評服務方案進行資料蒐集與分析,希能對於身心障礙者職業輔導評量服務的影響與成效方面,提供相關實徵數據與研究成果,供政府、民間單位與學術界作為參考。其主要研究發現如下: 一、對於 90-94年被抽取之職評報告書的品質評估部分,除 90年「建議事項是否適切」的平均分數低於中間值 2.5分以外,其餘各項平均值均高於 2.5分,且逐年上升,各年間之差距亦達統計顯著。 二、根據 94年職評追蹤調查結果的分析呈現出:「完全依照職評報告執行」占最多數,其次是「部分依照職評報告執行」,兩者相加在三次追蹤中至少都占 83%以上。 三、對於 94年職評結果為「可就業」的個案,建議安置模式為一般性就業的個案,均「完全依照職評報告執行」,也就是說均在「就業中」(100%)。而建議安置模式為支持性就業的個案,其就業的比例至少為 26.3%。至於建議安置模式為庇護性就業的個案,其就業的比例至少為 51.7%。 四、對於絕大多數的題目,案主/案家長對 94年職評服務的滿意程度(職評需求滿足程度)均在六成以上;此外,對於每一個題目,轉介單位覺得滿意與非常滿意的比例均在七成六以上。 從本研究所設定的指標與所獲得的研究結果來看,台北市的職評服務成果在進步之中,但仍有很大的努力空間。相關的建議與意涵將在文中加以討論。
The data used in this study are collected from expert meeting, telephone survey, and secondary source in order to analyze “Vocational Assessment Programs for People with Disabilities (2001-2005) in Taipei City”. The findings of this study will serve as an evidence-based data for the government and private social welfare agencies to improve such programs. The major findings are in the following. Firstly, in the evaluation of the quality of vocational assessment reports (2001-2005), the average scores in all items were over middle (score 2.5) just except the item of “appropriateness of the suggestions in vocational assessment report (2001)”. In addition, the average scores went up from 2001 to 2005 and the differences among each year were statistically significant. Secondly, based on the 3 follow-ups of 2005 Vocational Assessment Program, the percentages of “in accordance with vocational assessment report entirely” and “in accordance with vocational assessment report partly” were at least 83 percent. Thirdly, for the clients of 2005 Vocational Assessment Program, 100% of them got job if the suggested placement is competitive employment, at least 26.3% of them got job if the suggested placement is supported employment, and at least 51.7% of them got job if the suggested placement is under protective/sheltered program. Fourthly, for most questions in survey, the ratio of satisfaction presented by client/parent was over 60 percent. In addition, the ratio of satisfaction re- ported by referral agency was over 76 percent for all questions. In general, the performance of Vocational Assessment Programs for People with Disabilities (2001-2005) in Taipei City kept progressing and made most clients/parents and referral agencies satisfied. The suggestions and implications were discussed.
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1.郭淳芳,張新堂,江偉君,謝彧玥,洪瑞雪,許慧香,楊采蘭,鍾羅仁,江明志,曾女亮(2007)。95年度澳洲身心障礙者及職災勞工職業重建服務考察報告,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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