

作者(外文):Keng, ShuChen, Yi-ling
主題關鍵詞:中國政治國家-社會關係發展型國家後極權主義威權轉型Chinese politicsState-society relationsPost-totalitarianismDevelopmental stateTransition from authoritarianism
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The paper seeks to present an analytical framework to make sense of current Chinese politics and future transformations. In the past three decades, China has experienced dramatic transformations from planned to market society, but with the political institutions largely remaining intact. Today's China thus is dragged by two forces in almost opposing directions: one is its developmental state and the other its totalitarian institutions. The two driving forces sometime compromise and sometimes countervail each other. The Chinese state is thus characterized by Yushan Wu as the ”post-totalitarian developmental state.” But how these two forces may interact with each other and henceforce shape the China's political future? This theoretical perspective, in relation to the question, is both inconclusive and problematic. This paper, therefore, seeks to clarify the current confusions by offering the ”fragmented states, connected societies” perspective. Given that purpose, the paper is divided into four sections. Following the introduction is a critical review of the current theoretical approaches to Chinese politics. After that, we will introduce Nu River dam project and Xianglu Group's local Paraxylene (PX) chemical plant to demonstrate the weaknesses of the current approaches and the strengths of our framework. In the concluding section, we will show why how our framework may shade new light on the future of Chinese politics.
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