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14.Lin, Y. C.、Davey, R. C.、Cochrane, T.(2001)。The efficacy of a community-based water exercise for the elderly patients with lower limb osteoarthritis。Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise,33(5),289-290。  new window
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3.李碧姿(2004)。八週水中有氧運動對輕度智能障礙平衡與敏捷能力之影響(碩士論文)。國立體育學院,桃園。  延伸查詢new window
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5.Sanders, M. E.(1999)。YMCA water fitness for health。Champaign, IL:Human Kinetics。  new window
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1.Cicuttini, F. M.、Spector, T. D.(1997)。Evidence for the increasing prevalence of osteoarthritis with aging: Dose this pertain to the oldest?。Osteoarthritis: Public health implications for an aging population。Baltimore:John Hopkins。  new window
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