

作者(外文):Chung, Pei HuaYou, Su-fenCheng, Yawen
主題關鍵詞:職業健康檢查職業健康政策Occupational health examinationOccupational healthPolicy
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Objectives: Occupational health examination plays an important role in occupational health services. Its functions are to trace changes in workers' health status, to detect work-related health problems at an early stage, and most importantly, to clarify the impacts of occupational hazards on workers' health. Documenting the occupational health status of workers may also provide valuable information when disputes occur in compensation claims. This study was designed to examine current conditions and problems with the system of occupational health examination in Taiwan. Methods: In-depth interviews with 15 stakeholders, including employees, union representatives, managers of enterprises, and executives of medical care facilities, were conducted. Experts' opinions were solicited through panel discussion with 3 occupational physicians and 1 professional specializing in occupational safety and health. Results: Many problems exist with the system of occupational health examination despite the fact that the system, enacted by the Labor Safety and Health Act, is well established in Taiwan. Problems include vicious market competition, poor coordination with the health examination services provided by National Health Insurance, a lack of occupational risk profiles, poor management of health data, a lack of follow-up programs, passive to no participation of occupational health professionals, and poor regulation with regard to the protection of workers' privacy. Conclusions: We identified several problems evident in the current system of the occupational health examination, and made recommendations for improvement.
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