

作者:藍毓莉 引用關係徐祥明陳芷伶張文虹
作者(外文):Lan, Yu-liHsul, Hsiang-mingChen, Tzu-lingChang, Wen-hung
主題關鍵詞:公立醫院護理人員組織承諾工作滿足Public hospitalNursing staffOrganizational commitmentJob satisfaction
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The staff group with the most number and the highest turnover rate in hospitals is the nursing staff. In recent years, managers in public hospitals changed the hiring system of nursing staff into periodically-contracted hiring to reduce personnel costs. Compressing the number of nursing staff, reducing performance bonus, and cutting salary are all the reasons for nursing staff's high turnover rate. This research tries to probe into the differences in the nursing staff's demographics influences their organizational commitment and job satisfaction in two public hospital. The results and findings of this research will provide some suggestions for the managers in hospitals in their planning of labor force. The subjects of this research are the nursing staff in the public hospital in eastern region. The data is collected by questionnaire. 219 questionnaires were issued, 152 of them were returned. The number of effective questionnaire is 142 and the rate of effective returned questionnaire is 65 percent. The findings are as followed: (1) for the variables of age, marital status, service year, work unit and professional title, there is significant difference on organizational commitment; (2) for the variables of age, service year, work unit and professional title, there is significant difference on job satisfaction; (3) the positive correlation between nursing staff's organizational commitment and their job satisfaction is significant.
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