

作者:施錦村 引用關係
作者(外文):Shih, Chin-tsun
主題關鍵詞:微型企業創業公平知覺股東價值Micro-businessEntrepreneurshipPerceived fairnessShareholder value
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摘要 台灣微型企業家數約占中小企業的40%,經營未滿一年者却有逐年增加趨勢,顯 示微型企業的經營不在創業時機而在如何永續經營。由於微型企業文獻闕如,且未發 現有人對如何提高股東價值加以驗證。故本研究以微型餐飲連鎖店之顧客為抽樣對 象,探討公平知覺與股東價值的關係,實證結果發現,除互動公平與股東價值間之直 接路徑係數未獲實證支持外,其餘都獲實證支持,顯示微型企業可藉由公平知覺的內 涵達到提高股東價值的目的,有助於該等企業永續經營。此一實證結果在管理與策略 上具有參考價值。
Abstract It is true that almost 40% middle-small enterprises belong to a micro-business in Taiwan, but their operational period less than one year are creasing, above situations indicate micro-business must focus on how to sustain forever rather than entrepreneurial opportunities. Due to little documents related micro-business, and how to crease the shareholder value of micro-business had not been validated. Therefore this study regards customers of micro-chain stores in the Foods and Beverage Industry as sampling, to explore the relationships between perceived fairness and shareholder value. The empirical results confirm that except the direct path coefficient between interaction fairness and shareholder value is not supported, the other path coefficients are supported in this study. They indicate that a micro-business can utilize the connotations of perceived fairness to reach the purpose of enhancement shareholder value. It can help those enterprises to sustain forever. The empirical results can function as the criteria for business management and strategy.
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