

作者:洪麗珠 引用關係陳月如吳念潔陳玫婷尤姵文張乃文鍾雅婷
作者(外文):Hung, Li-chuChen, Yue-ruWu, Nien-chiehChen, Mei-tingYu, Pei-wenChang, Nai-wenChung, Ya-ting
主題關鍵詞:廣告效果購買意願廣告訴求速食業Advertising effectPurchasing intentionAdvertising appealFast food industry
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In recent years, advertising has become one of the most popular marketing methods. The advertisers expect to attract consumers' attention through the advertisement, and then cause an intention to purchase. Thus, this research is about whether the effects of advertisement have influence on purchase intention. It also takes into consideration the advertising appeal of moderator in the advertisement. We showed two TV commercials to the tested subjects, and checked for rational appeal and emotional appeal. This research tried to understand if viewers are affected by advertising content in different Situations. The results reveal: (1) Advertising is influential to purchasing intention. (2) There are no differences in an advertising's appeal to purchasing intention.
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