

作者(外文):Lin, Ting-haoHuang, Ling-yaHung, Li-chenFan, Su-hui
主題關鍵詞:腦中風腦中風衝擊量表日常生活活動健康相關生活品質StrokeStroke impact scaleSISActivities of daily livingADLHealth related quality of lifeHRQOL
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According to the latest statistic of 2006 done by Department of Health-Executive Yuan, the death rate of stroke for Taiwan people is reduced from 57.8 people per one hundred thousands people in 2005 to 55.2 people per one hundred thousands in 2006. In the view of advance medicine, the individual case for who survived by good luck after stroke has led to the sequela of exercise nerve function, recognition, sense obstacle and change of common life style. If we can use the health care source properly, it can not help stroke patient's function recover but also reduce the mental burden of who looks after. This research purposes it to discuss the application of Storke Impact Scale version 3.0 in order to measure the current status of stroke patient's health relative life quality. From Jan. 2nd, 2008 to Feb. 29, 2008, by determined sampling method, we take 124 stroke patients who are in hospitalization as research objects. The sampling is came from some medical center in Northern Taiwan、district teaching and district hospitals. The retrievable effective questionnaires are 124 in total. The research result shows: (1) age, sex, education status and marriage status of population transformation are all related to health relative life quality. (2) Obvious difference in health relative life quality level of activity, social participation and self-consciousness recover according to different illness (acute or second acute). (3) Obvious difference on variety of health relative life quality level (excluding social participation) according to illness consequence (mild or moderate). (4) Obvious difference on "emotion" health relative life quality according to different stroke category. (5) Obvious difference on "communication" health relative life quality according to different limbs and trunk hemiplegia. Our suggestion is taking injury level, activity limitation ability into treatment evaluation plan in the beginning of stroke and then having patients get better health relative life quality.
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