

作者(外文):Lau, Kit-ling
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This study investigated Hong Kong Chinese language teachers’ conceptions of reading instruction and their instructional approaches under the implementation of the Newly Revised Secondary Chinese Language Curriculum (hereafter referred to as “the new curriculum”). A total of 493 Chinese language teachers from 170 secondary schools in Hong Kong participated in this study. After the new curriculum has been implemented for nearly four years, the findings of this study indicated that teachers showed a high level of acceptance of the competence-based orientation and their instructional practices were generally consistent with the principles of the new curriculum. Teachers’ conceptions and practices of reading instruction were closely related to their familiarity of the new curriculum guide, experiences of implementing the new curriculum, and the ability level of their students. Consistent with previous studies, the findings of this study showed that teachers’ conception of reading instruction had positive relation with their daily instructional practices. The instructional approach of teachers who held a high level of competence-based orientation was more consistent with the principles of developing students’ reading ability than was other teachers. The findings also indicated weak but positive correlation between the traditional text-based orientation and the competence-based instructional approach proposed in the new curriculum. Implications of these findings for understanding and facilitating Hong Kong teachers’ implementation of the new reading instructional approach are discussed.
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