

作者:林巧敏 引用關係陳立原
作者(外文):Lin, Chiao-minChen, Li-yuan
主題關鍵詞:全國博碩士論文資訊網引用分析引用動機全文授權學術傳播Electronic theses and dissertations systemCitation analysisCitation motivationsFull-text authorizationScholarly communication
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國家圖書館「全國博碩士論文資訊網」主要目的在於提供社會大眾檢索博碩士論文摘要及全文,本文以「全國博碩士論文資訊網」系統資料為研究對象,分析系統歷年論文數量成長與使用情形,並以開始取得全文授權之 88-96 學年度(1999 年8月-2008 年7月)學位論文為範圍,分析可線上取用全文與無法線上取用全文之論文被學位論文引用的情形,藉此比較開放全文與未提供全文論文對於學術傳播的影響,結果發現提供論文全文者是未提供論文全文者被引用次數的兩倍,顯示提供全文之學位論文因能見度增加,被引用情形也增加。
The main purpose of the Electronic Theses and Dissertations System is to enable the general public to search for theses and dissertations data including abstracts, and electronic full texts. This paper analyzes the quantity growth and the use situation of this system. The citation analyses of full text and non-full text theses and dissertations during August 1999 to July 2008 are compared so as to realize the scholarly impact of document accessibility. The results of this study reveal that the citation ratio of full text and non-full text theses and dissertations is 2 to 1.
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