

作者:林偉洲 引用關係
作者(外文):Lin, Wei-chou
主題關鍵詞:都督行軍總管安史之亂河北道節度使Tu-tuArmy commanderHsing-Chu-Tsung-KuanAn-Shih RebellionHo-bei DouChieh-tu ShihFan-chenFrontier fort
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摘要 唐代節度使的研究,應以安史之亂為界,分成前後兩期。前期因應周邊民族的互動, 遂由駐地都督與行軍總管結合,職權擴張形成環邊節度使體制;後期則是因安史之亂唐 本部的不設防,亂平後以長安為中心,建構起數十個小型節鎮的層層防護網。前期權力 漸次集中於少數節度使,形成杜佑所謂的西方二師、東北三師的邊境節帥統軍型態,遂 有安祿山之亂,唐幾中輟;後期則於各道內普設小型節鎮,形成彼此牽制,權力均衡的 現象。雖不再有大型動亂產生,但藩鎮林立,國力耗損,跋扈藩鎮自推節帥,不入版籍、 賦稅,小型動亂層出不窮,其中尤以河朔三鎮為動亂來源之最。 權力過度集中,遂有安史之亂。肅宗以權力分散、均衡的決策,於各道內普設節鎮, 道與道間權力互不相渉,則河北道節鎮僅能由安史降將分屬統治。除田承嗣外,彼等既 未經歷戰敗,實力保存完整,雖欲其彼此形成均衡,但河北節鎮既合縱又連衡的結果, 反形成河朔三鎮特殊的勢力。本文以歷時性的演變過程,從都督制至節度使的發展為 經;河北地區節鎮權力集中遂有安史之亂,及亂後節度的均衡分置為緯,提出河朔三鎮 形成的一個解釋。
Abstract T’ang Dynasty Chieh-tu Shih research should be based on An-Shih Rebellion that could be divided into two periods. During the former period, in response to interact with the early surrounding nations, the Tu-tu (army commander)of the residents combined with the Hsing-Chun-Tsung-Kuan to form a powerful border Chieh-tu Shih system. The latter period was a result of An-Shih Rebellion undefended, after the chaos Chang'an still as the capital, dozens of small-scale Chieh-tu Shih protective net were constructed. The former period the army power concentrated in a handful of Chieh-tu Shih gradually, forming the so-called two Western army group and three Northeast army group, the border Army commander pattern, thus An-lu-shan Rebellion occurred, T’ang Dynasty almost perished. The later period more and more small-scale Chieh-tu Shih were constructed in each Dou, so the Army power could be balanced and restrained others. There were no large-scale rebellion again , but too many Fan-chen(Chieh-tu Shih) exhausted national strength. Defiant Fan-chen selected army commander by themselves so that central government couldn’t control the Chieh-tu Shih and had no record of membership, no taxes either. Many small-scale disturbances, particularly in the area of Ho-shuo-san-chen for the most unrest. Excessive concentration of power, then occurred An-Shih Rebellion. T’ang Su-tsung had done the decision-making to decentralize and balance the army power by means of constructing more numbers of Chieh-tu Shih, each Dou had their own army power, neither was subordinate to the other. Consequently, only those who were capitulated in An-shih Rebellion could dominate the Ho-bei Duo Chieh-chen. On the contrary, Su-tsung’s strategy pushed the power of the Ho-shuo-san-chen to be formed. This article will discuss andexplain how Ho-shuo-san-chen formed.
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