

作者:周文玲 引用關係謝茵如 引用關係王幸珍 引用關係
作者(外文):Chou, Wen-lingHsieh, Yin-ruWang, Shing-chen
主題關鍵詞:理財人員可信度顧客知覺風險顧客服務過程滿意度Financial advisorCredibilityCustomer perceived riskCustomer satisfaction during service process
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The perceived risk of purchasing financial products is always caught by consumers. In the purchasing process, products are recommended by financial advisors and the customer perceived risk will affect customer purchasing decisions. Within related personal characteristics, the credibility of the financial advisor will influence customer satisfaction and go on to affect the customer perceived risk. Therefore, the research is aimed at establishing a relationship model on the credibility of financial advisor, the customer satisfaction and customer perceived risk.
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