

作者:張順發羅希哲 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Shun-faLou, Shi-jer
主題關鍵詞:知識管理評量量表結構方程模式國民小學School knowledge management measurement formStructural equation modelingThe elementary school
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本研究係透過問卷調查法與結構方程模式,建構一具有良好信、效度與穩定性的「學校知識管理評量表」。首先,參照知識管理理論,以EFA探索性因素分析建構原始量表之理論模式;再者,以CFA 驗證性因素分析考驗理論模式之各適配度,並與三個競爭模式相互比較。研究樣本為高高屏地區公立國小之行政人員,以隨機抽樣得EFA有效樣本225 份,CFA 有效樣本742 份。研究發現理論模式與觀察資料之基本適配、整體適配、內在適配及效度複核化均達評鑑標準,顯示本研究「學校知識管理評量表」具有良好的信效度及穩定性,且比競爭模式更為優越。就後續研究而言,建議依不同理論來建構更多面向性的評量量表。
The purpose of this study is to build up a “School Knowledge Management Measurement Form” (SKMMF) with high validity and stability by means of an exact questionnaire study and structural equation modeling analysis. First develop the theoretical model of the SKMMF with exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Furthermore, identify the degree of basic fit, overall fit, and the internal fit of the theoretical model with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Then, compare the theoretical model with the competing models to evaluate the validity, stability, and reliability. The administrators of the public elementary school in the areas of Kaohsiung and Pingtung were randomly sampled. There were 225 effective samples for EFA and 742 effective samples for CFA. The research results show that the theoretical model reaches the standards of the basic fit, overall fit, the internal fit, and the expected cross-validation index. Thus, the theoretical model is the best model after assessing; and shows that the SKMMF owns the high qualities of validity, stability, and reliability. The following suggestions are to construct the SKMMF by multi-dimensions factors with different theories.
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