

作者(外文):Chang, Tu-chunShen, Yu-lin
主題關鍵詞:職業災害危害預防工作場所Occupational accidentsHazard preventionWorkplace
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政府為建構安全衛生工作環境,促進勞動安全與健康,持續達成既定職業災害減災目標, 近年來行政院勞委會積極採取「宣導、檢查、輔導」三合一之實施策略,加速推動。其中,勞 動檢查為重要的一環,其投入資源及實施結果最為顯著,故本研究彙整勞動檢查結果、重大職 災發生狀況和輔導產出等資料,研擬出職場常見危害之改善方法,並以簡易圖說示例提供業界 參考。 為配合上述行政院勞委會之施政目標及推動策略,同時基於政府有限資源及國內產業結 構以中小型企業規模為主的考量下,本研究之意旨,主要是經由蒐集和彙整以往勞動檢查常見 的企業安全缺失,包括近5年來營造業及製造業勞動檢查結果及職業災害統計資料等,並分列 出前5、6大項目或類型加以探討,再據以研擬適當的缺失改善方法及危害預防控制措施,彙整 編製完成「職場常見危害及安全改善實例」之研究,最後將此結果具體化製作危害或勞動缺失 改善方法圖例等宣導或輔導工具,以提供事業單位推動現場安衛自主管理工作及有利於相關宣 導活動及輔導工作使用,能使「宣導、檢查、輔導」之策略發揮最大綜效,以預防職業災害發 生。 面對日益複雜之安全衛生環境及職災降災目標之挑戰,除加強勞動檢查外,宜結合防災教 育與輔導作為,整合出各方的防災資源,促使事業單位強化安衛意識、有能力主動發掘本身之 危害,進而消弭危害,才能保障勞工工作之安全與健康,進而提升整體職場安全衛生水準,以 期達成減災目標。
To facilitate safety and health both in working environments and in workers, and to work continuously toward. the occupational injury reduction target set by the authorities, the Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) actively adopts and enforces the “inspection, promotion, and guidance” threein- one policy. of the three, labor inspection is one of the most efficient strategies in terms of resources invested and results achieved. For industries’ reference, this project, based on the compilation of labor inspection results, major occupational accident records and proposed guidance measures, and supported by easy-to-follow illustrated exemplary cases, was designed to provide safety guidelines for the alleviation of hazards often found in workplaces. In line with the above-mentioned target and the promotional strategies set by the CLA, and in consideration of the limited government resources and the industrial structure in Taiwan, where the Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the majority of corporate entities, this project was designed to collect data and study corporate safety failures revealed by previous labor inspections. It included labor inspection findings and statistics on occupational accidents in the construction and manufacturing industries in the past five years. Study of the first five to six items (or categories) of findings were used to generate proposals for applicable improvement methods and hazard prevention measures. A final report on “safety improvement guidelines for hazards often found in workplaces”, along with illustrated pamphlets and guidance tools for promotion of onsite voluntary safety and health management by business entities, and for promotional and guidance activities to be used in campaigns, were produced. It is hoped that the effectiveness of the “inspection, promotion, and guidance” policy and the prevention of occupational accidents can thus be strengthened. Facing the ever more complicated safety and health environment and the challenge of reducing occupational accident rates, in addition to labor inspections, it is necessary to carry out accident prevention education and guidance activities using all the accident prevention resources available from all parties concerned. Industries must strengthen safety and health awareness, and develop their abilit to iydentify and manage hazards voluntarily. With all these efforts, labor safety and health may be assured, safety and health standards in every workplace may be elevated, and the ultimate goal of accident reduction may be reached.
1.Council of Labor Affairs (ROC)(1991)。LABOR SAFETY AND HEALTH LAW。  new window
2.Council of Labor Affairs (ROC)(2003)。2002~2006 Labor inspection annual report。  new window
3.Fu, Huan-ran(2007)。Status of occupational accidents in Taiwan with prospect of the countermeasures (2006)。  new window
4.Precision Optical Machinery Research & Development Centre(2007)。technical report,Taichung:PMC。  new window
5.Council of Labor Affairs .Indus trial Development Bureau(1966)。Ministry of Economic Affairs The improvement project on working environment for the 3K industries (Final Report),Taipei。  new window
6.Council of Labor Affairs (ROC)(1966)。Guidance planning on prevention of occupational accidents for the SMEs with high risks (Final Report),CLA。  new window
7.Council of Labor Affairs (ROC)(2007)。2006 Labor inspection directive Taipei,CLA。  new window
8.Industrial Development Bureau(2004)。Ministry of Economic Affairs, Result exhibition proceedings of technical guidance on safety and health (Central, south),Taipei。  new window
9.Council of Labor Affairs (ROC)(1966)。Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs March 2007, Identification and improvement of major hazards with illustrated cases for the specific process industries,Taipei。  new window
10.Construction and Planning Agency, Ministry of the interior(1993)。Research on errors found in construction with videos and interpretations on practical cases,Taipei。  new window
11.Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs(2003)。Practical handbook on safety management for dangerous machinery and equipment,Taipei。  new window
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