

作者:侯岳宏 引用關係
作者(外文):Hou, Yuen-hung
主題關鍵詞:團結權國際勞工公約工會法勞動組合法不當勞動行為Freedom of associationILO conventionsLabor Union actUnfair labor practices
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勞工的團結權,是歷經多年的努力,才獲得承認與保護,因此國際勞工組織(International Labor Organization, ILO),從設立以來對於團結權的保障,也一直很重視,通過了多項有關勞工團結權的公約與建議書。其中,第八十七號公約與第九十八號公約是有關勞工團結權國際勞動基準的最重要規定。日本於1949年導入不當勞動行為制度,該制度對於團結權侵害進行救濟,可以說是呼應ILO第九十八號公約的規定。本文之目的在於檢討不當勞動行為制度在國際勞動基準的實踐上所具有的意義。首先,對於ILO有關勞工團結權國際勞動基準的建構進行整理,並且考察日本不當勞動行為制度在國際勞動基準的實踐上之意義。最後,透過上面考察結果,對於我國現行制度與將來的展望進行檢討。
Freedom of association is crucial to the sustainable improvements in working conditions. The International Labor Organization (ILO) recognizes freedom of association as a fundamental principle in several major documents, the most important ones being Convention No. 87 concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize (1948) and Convention No. 98 concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organize and to Bargain Collectively (1949). In Japan the Constitution guarantees the rights of workers to organize and to bargain and act (strike, etc.) collectively. To guarantee workers' rights in a practical way, the Labor Union Act of 1949 prohibits unfair labor practices by employers and establishes the Labor Relations Commission to regulate unfair labor practices. This paper aims to make a general evaluation and assessment of the various important conventions concerning freedom of association adopted by the ILO in the past eighty years. It also introduces how the Japanese Government establishes unfair labor practice system for protecting workers' right to freedom of association. Finally, this paper will offer several recommendations for adopting a similar legal regime for Taiwan while it is in the process of amending of the three important labor statutes, that is, the Labor Union Act, Collective Agreement Act and Settlement of Labor-Management Dispute Act.
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