

作者:許建隆 引用關係吳瑞山
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2.Madhavan, Ananth(2000)。Market Microstructure: A Survey。Journal of Financial Markets,3(3),205-258。  new window
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9.Ding, Zhuanxin、Granger, C. W. J.、Engle, R. F.(1993)。A Long Memory Property of Stock Market Return and a New Model。Journal of Empirical Finance,1,83-106。  new window
10.Giot, P.(2000)。Time transformations, intraday data, and volatility models。Journal of Computational Finance,4,31-62。  new window
11.Goodhart, C. A. E.、O'Hara, M. L.(1997)。High frequency data in financial markets: issues and applications。Journal of Empirical Finance,4,73-114。  new window
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14.Andersen, Torben G.、Bollerslev, Tim(1996)。Deutsche Mark–Dollar Volatility: Intraday Activity Patterns, Macroeconomic Announcements, and Longer Run Dependencies。The Journal of Finance,53(1),219-265。  new window
15.Andersen, Torben G.、Bollerslev, Tim(1997)。Intraday Periodicity and Volatility Persistence in Financial Markets。Journal of Empirical Finance,4(2/3),115-158。  new window
16.Baillie, Richard T.、Bollerslev, Tim(1991)。Intra-Day and Inter-Market Volatility in Foreign Exchange Rates。The Review of Economic Studies,58(3),565-585。  new window
17.Fama, Eugene F.(1970)。Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work。The Journal of Finance,25(2),383-417。  new window
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6.Bauwens, L.、Giot, P.(2001)。Econometric Modelling of Stock Market Intraday Activity。Boston, Massachusetts:Kluwer Academic Publishers。  new window
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11.Campbell, John Y.、Lo, Andrew W.-C.、MacKinlay, A. Craig(1997)。The Econometrics of Financial Markets。Princeton University Press。  new window
1.Giot, P.(2000)。Intraday Value-at-Risk,Maastricht University。  new window
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